Maryland’s Joint Enforcement Task Force on Workplace Fraud (JETF) has released a new annual report, revealing the magnitude of worker misclassification in Maryland. Misclassified workers lose out on critical workplace protections,
including access to unemployment benefits, workers’ compensation, health insurance coverage,minimum wage, and overtime pay, and workplace fraud also causes significant harm to employers and the state.
Collectively, in 2024, Task Force agencies discovered over 5,500 misclassified workers through their enforcement actions. Over $36 million in unreported taxable wages were uncovered through 2024 Unemployment Insurance audits. The report dives into specific occupations to reveal the scale of the problem.
The report is available on the Maryland Department of Labor website. Workers who have questions about their status—or believe they have been misclassified—can contact the Division of Labor & Industry at Source: Maryland Attorney General